The Joyous Over The Clinging 
The Marsh/Mist Above, Fire/Sun Below

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——–PleasureMouthFleshBlueAutumnWestYoungest Daughter
— 0 —
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—  —Clarity/LightEyeFireYellowSummerSouthMiddle Daughter

There is fire within the lake.
The great man sets his schedule
According to the change of seasons.
Uprising. In time he is trusted.
Very auspicious, if he is determined.
Guilt disappears.

Fire and water, owing to their different natures, battle each other. Over time, the light giving forces also do battle with the forces of darkness. This battle between cold and warm creates the change of seasons. A wise man knows that he must recognize the consistency of these changes in order to make a proper schedule, appropriate to the changing times. In this manner he can effectively determine which actions will be proper at which moment. By looking at the larger perspective he can make sense out of seemingly turbulent times. He will thus be able to adapt his own strategic outlook prior to the requirements of the changing times. In this situation the forces opposing each other are so different that they try to annihilate each other. This is why there is a fear of uprising. In society, such actions should be very carefully considered. Only when all other options have been exhausted should the community contemplate insurgence. Under such conditions, it takes a special kind of person to lead others to victory. Only a man who has the total confidence of the community can accomplish such a task. He must also be able to use his proper judgement in determining exactly when the proper time has come to pass to action. He must be sure that supporters understand the proper way to proceed in order to avoid excessive abuse due to past resentment. He should not have any selfish ambitions and genuinely work for the improvement of the whole of the community. Only through selfless intent and actions will the leader be free of blame. It is a time ripe for evolution but one must be certain that the development involved is for the good of the whole rather than a simple change in corrupt leadership.

1 –0– He is covered by a yellow cowhide. 

Under these circumstances, transformations should be brought about only as a last resort. In the beginning, the use of extreme self-control will be imperative. The man must first learn to command his own feelings and thoughts before he can go out into the world to transform it. Yellow is the color of the golden mean and the cowhide represents a yielding perspective. For the moment, abstain from taking any action since it is not yet the proper time for change. A hasty assault of the problems would only lead to adverse consequences. 

2 –X– When the time is right, He will lead the uprising. Auspicious, if he show others the proper course. No guilt. 

Once one has attempted to bring about the proper improvements without having accomplished anything, an uprising is his only alternative. However, action of this sort must be cautiously organized. The group needs to have a natural leader which will inspire trust and conviction in the hearts of the population. If such a man can be found the situation will eventually take a turn for the better. When contemplating such a deep and encompassing progression one must reflect upon how these changes will affect the inner perspective of all those concerned. Only by looking at the consequences of ones actions before they happen can one truly be equipped to meet the challenge. 

3 –0– Ominous, if he initiates an uprising. Determination to remain of this course is dangerous. When the time is right and the cause is proper, He will have the trust of the people. 

When we are ready for transformation, two miscalculations are to be averted. First, one should not act prematurely or with a sense of brutal vengeance because this would surely bring on adversity for all concerned. Second, one should not delay for too long because this would give the opposition too much time to prepare for the onslaught. One must be able to discern exactly when the proper time for transformation has come. The man must also be able to discriminate between change that is good for the whole and change that would only serve the selfish purpose of a select few. The later should obviously be avoided. The man must be heedful to repeated grievances which are based in fact. Once the man genuinely accepts the reality that conditions must be changed, then he will have the trust of the others involved and will be able to achieve great deeds with the assistance of his followers. 

4 –0– Guilt disappears. He is trusted. Auspicious, If he can change the present form leadership. 

When drastic changes are required, a man of proper authority and influence must lead the group if the goal is to be successfully attained. This leader must have the inner fortitude and proper sense of ethics to lead them in the appropriate direction. This man must be free of selfish purpose. He must act according to the higher truth of the universal law. Only under these conditions can success be attained. If an uprising of this kind is not created from a sense of inner truth, the enterprise is doomed to failure and its consequences will surely involve harsh repercussions for everyone concerned. The basic lesson of this line is that good men will listen to their heart and only uphold endeavors which they feel to be honorable. 

5 –0– He changes conditions. He gains the confidence of the people, Before he even consults the oracle. 

Because of its distinguishable skin pattern, a tiger can be seen from far away. When a great man leads an uprising he act like a tiger by not concealing his motives. He makes his position clear to the people and his actions are well-defined. Other know where he stands and where he is going. Since his actions are very open and his conviction well known, he quickly gains a strong following which will ensure that a successful conclusion is swift in coming. 

6 –X– He changes conditions. His actions are like those of a panther. Inferior men abandon their mistaken ways. Ominous if he initiates an uprising. Auspicious if he is determined. 

Once the uprising is successfully completed, then the actual work of transformation must begin. The wise man bring about changes in a slow and gradual manner. Since the change is gradual this will have more of an effect on the inferior people who had supported the previous ways. They will have time to adapt to their new conditions. In this way, the new authority prevents counter measures, and everyone is given time to adjust to their new reality. If he tries to bring reforms too far he will only create a new situation of unbalance. This would bring on adversity for all concerned. He must always keep in mind the conditions of the times and only try to implement changes which are reasonable at that moment.